Thursday, February 5, 2009


So... We needed a new bed. Someone told me to go to IKEA. Yeah. I like warehouses. I like Cosco, Sam's club etc. HOWEVER... What IS this place? We walk in ( With a it's almost dinner time, hyper child). The "Greeter" stood there smiling. "You've never been here?" OH..... She proceeds with the map and little Putt-Putt golf pencil. I'm adverting my attention wondering how badly DH now regrets admitting that were IKEA virgins. You know those REALLY happy morning people you run into every once in awhile, the ones you wish to slap. Yep that's the IKEA greeter at 6pm. She gives a run down of how to shop, what to write down, where to eat... how to find something, and even how every little thing is in it's own little box. Besides the freaky TV show-like house sets except everything is branded with a price tag, there is literally a million of everything. Spatulas to Wine coolers. EVERYTHING. I can't even find a bed. I am literally confused as to what price tag is to what. I gave up on the bed. Your blocked in. There are rooms, and halls, and walls. You can't leave. It's like a deco maze. At this point Ash is yelling, touching everything and has became the sole navigator in leading us out of IKEA hell. "Get ready to say , Thank You Ash for getting us out!" After 20 more minutes of following Ash... (not to mention WHY are we agreeing to follow Ash as if she knows how to leave ) Ash finds that she has navigated the snack bar with the damn cinnamon rolls in which the happy greeter informed an 11 year old of at the beginning. (Who does this? She obviousally has no children) We end up finally at the "start" with the smiling greeter, who my DH hands back the map and little pencil. "Oh, you just loved it didn't you?" "No, I got lost, I have a headache and we are NOT coming back toting a child AGAIN;" She of course smiled. (I'm thinking... these people locked her in this damn place, and she's delirious with happiness perhaps? I dunno).

Long story short... We went to a small mattress store today, and bought a bed. Easy. Done. And IKEA can now rank right up there with Walmart in my book.


  1. The only thing cool in IKEA is their kitchen gadgets. Everything else breaks as soon as you sit on it. I read your profile and want you to know You are either the smartest human alive or plum crazy! Vet and Nursing school? You amaze me! So glad to meet you!! Knowing what you know, you will be able to help the old lady AND her little dog. She will be forever grateful and you will be rolling in the dough.

  2. we dont have an IKEA here...stopping by to say Hi i am adding you to my blogroll your daughter is beautiful!

  3. Welcome to the all consuming bloggy world. I think I wrote about IKEA hell once. That is EXACTLY what I call that place. It is less than 2 miles from my home and when it opened, it was a zoo! I once got stuck in there for several hours with 10 million people and could not get out. Thank goodness you had your daughter to help with the maze.

  4. Hugs. Welcome to the "My man has ascitis club".My hubby has flare ups of ascitis. I tried admitting him but they just send him back. SIGH There is no cure, at least I haven't found it. Okay well..there is one...but most of the time I'm just too tired to administer it. I love that your following along and I love a great rant. Thanks. Gotta run..the baby is base jumping again. GRRRR JEN
